In the past, I
gave away
frozen sperm vials that I had stored at a sperm
bank, to a few women desiring to get pregnant
by artificial insemination with donor sperm.
My sperm bank could ship the sperm vials to
most places in the USA.
I helped women of
many races.
I did medical tests,
including AIDS, with a 6 month quarantine, to try to
minimize risks, and also because mandated by law.
I signed a
"known-donor" agreement
which allowed children conceived
to meet me if they chose, once turning 18.
I also helped with a few IVF cycles (including providing
sperm and sharing costs) and even did a few cycles
involving a
egg donor (again
I helped pay the costs).
About me (the sperm donor): I am
Caucasian, 6ft tall,
with black hair, fair skin, 170lbs.
I am fertile - I already have
4 healthy
I am
leader of a small research group
in a medium sized
computer software company.
I hold more than
10 patents for various
I hold an
advanced university
from one of the world's top science universities,
I got
straight A average
in my university courses. I won various
awards for competitive sports
in high school.
To see
of me (the sperm donor) as a child,
or click on the pictures above.
To find out more about
me (the sperm donor),
is my email address.
People I have helped or their offspring,
or anybody else who has questions or comments
should feel free to contact me.